The below language will appear on the April 8, 2025 ballot:
Proposition KIDS
Shall the Board of Education of the Lincoln County R-III School District, Missouri, without an estimated increase in the current debt service property tax levy, borrow money in the amount of 80 Million Dollars ($80,000,000) for the purpose of providing funds for the expansion, construction, renovation, equipping, and furnishing of current 9-12 facilities - Ninth Grade Center and Troy Buchanan High School; to expand Hawk Point Elementary School to include a tornado safe room and secure entrance vestibule; to accomplish facilities maintenance improvements such as energy efficiency (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems - HVAC and lighting) at the Ninth Grade Center and Cuivre Park Elementary, roof repairs, and for the expansion, maintenance, and repair of asphalt surfaces; to acquire land for future facility needs; to the extent funds are available, complete other repairs and improvements to the existing facilities of the District; and issue general obligation bonds for the payment thereof? If this proposition is approved, the adjusted debt service levy of the School District is estimated to remain unchanged at $1.3750 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property.
What does this mean?
The Lincoln County R-III School District (Troy, Moscow Mills, and Hawk Point schools) is asking voters if they may borrow $80,000,000 to complete building projects, facility maintenance and upgrades, and other enhancement projects for the upkeep, expansion, and improvement of our schools. Borrowing funds in this amount will not cause an increase in the current debt service levy. In other words, voters will continue to pay $1.3750 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of real and personal property. This does extend the life of the District’s debt.
A specific list of projects can be seen on the “Projects” tab of this website.
Voting “Yes” allows the District to borrow funds and move forward with projects. There is no change to the tax levy.
Voting “No” denies the District the ability to borrow funds and projects are put on hold. There is no change to the tax levy.