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In Missouri, we know the weather presents many challenges throughout the year. From extreme heat to ice and snow, we prioritize keeping our students and employees safe! 

For those who make decisions about whether to run regular school bus routes, snow routes, or cancel school, these days are challenging.  Many things are considered when making decisions about how to proceed with school when inclement weather arises, but the ultimate decision is always based on what is best for students.  

Every effort will be made to provide cancellation notices as early as possible. As soon as a decision is made, employees and families are the first to be notified. Shortly following, local radio and television stations are updated. School closings will be sent via the district's mass communication system, ParentSquare (find this free app on Google Play or the Apple Store), listed on the district website, shared with local news outlets, and posted on District social media accounts.  

Local news outlets include:

Channel 2 KTVI

Channel 4 KMOV

Channel 5 KSDK

KFAV 99.9


KYRO 105.3 FM / 1280 AM

Here are a few reminders about inclement weather days. First and Foremost, You Make the Call

You are always the best judge of your own situation and what is best for your child. The District makes the best decision possible on what is best for students and staff as an overall group, and that decision may not fit your individual situation.

Extreme Heat

When temperatures rise, LCR3 administration closely monitors the safety of outdoor activities and the conditions on our school buses. If schedules are able to be modified to increase student safety, we will work to alert our families as quickly as possible. For athletics and after-school activities, we will follow the guidelines set forth by the Missouri State High School Activities Association (MSHSAA)

Closing Due to Snow and Ice

Lincoln County R-III School District personnel drive bus routes to check firsthand on local conditions and consult state and county officials as well as officials in neighboring school districts. Safety is always our top priority. Whether or not the conditions will be improving throughout the day is also considered.

Wind Chill Considerations
Lincoln County R-III utilizes the National Weather Service's wind chill chart as a guide when determining whether to close school due to cold temperatures. Any time the calm temperature or wind chill temperature reaches the point at which exposed skin could experience frostbite, we will consider closing school. We keep students inside when the temperature is this low, so recess doesn't play into the decision. Keep in mind the wind chill chart is a guideline, not a rule. Extremely cold weather can be very dangerous. Parents and guardians should be certain that their children are appropriately clothed with mittens, hats, coats, etc., so they can be comfortable both inside and outside. Most days your student is going outside for some period of time either at recess or traveling to/from school. 

Outdoor Activities

As a general practice, if the air temperature or wind chill is 20 degrees or lower, no outdoor activities, PE, or recess will be held across the District. These activities will be held indoor. Likewise, if the temperature or heat index is 100 degrees or above, recess and other outdoor curricular activities will be held indoors.

Early Dismissal

Early dismissal is not an option we like to use unless conditions are expected to get worse throughout the day. This is primarily due to the fact that many parents work and the children are safer at school. Please try to have a plan in place to handle early dismissals. It is helpful if your children are aware of the plan.

Your Understanding and Cooperation is Appreciated

For every person who is happy with a weather-related decision, there is someone who is unhappy. We appreciate your understanding of the difficulties and the timing of our decisions. Your support in helping your child get to and from school safely every day is sincerely appreciated.

Snow Routes

During the first few months of the school year, the Director of Transportation determines snow routes for the year.  These decisions are based on which roads are problematic to get buses in and out of.  With snow routes, a designated rally point is determined, and that is where students are requested to gather to meet the bus. The snow route concept greatly assists the district in safely transporting students in a timely manner.  One of the most important parts of the snow route concept is parental help.  On snow route days (and every day) it is important that children are properly dressed for the elements. When the schools and parents work as a team, the snow route process is most effective. Find the complete list of snow routes on our Department of Transportation page