Guidelines for Borrowing and Using
The Library of Things is provided as a service to the Powell Memorial Library patrons. A valid PML library card with no outstanding
fines above $10 is required to borrow a Thing. Borrowers must be 18 years or older and must sign a copy of the Library of Things Liability Waiver prior to checkout.
One agreement is required per individual borrowing and covers all Things checked out in the future as well.
Borrowing Policy
Equipment is used at the sole risk of the borrower. The Library makes no representation or warranty as to the
fitness for use or condition of the items. Borrowers are responsible for reading and abiding by all
manufacturer's recommendations, warnings, and instructions for use.
By taking possession of any item, the patron is certifying that he or she is capable of using the item in a safe and
appropriate manner. Staff do not provide instructions on how to use the items. Only the borrower who has
checked out the item is authorized to use it. The borrower shall not permit the use of items checked out to him
or her by any other person. If the borrower allows others to use the items, the borrower assumes all liability for
such use. Patrons may have up to 2 Library of Things items checked out at a time. This includes items in the
Children's Library of Things as well.
Equipment must be returned to the Powell Memorial Library Circulation Desk only. Items may NOT be returned
in the book drop. Things must be returned intact, clean, in working order, and complete (including all
accessories, parts, manuals, and packaging provided when borrowed). As with all library materials, borrowers
are responsible for the care of the item and supplemental materials. If any of the Library's property is lost or
damaged, borrowers agree to provide the cost of a repair or replacement.
The Library reserves the right to limit future Library of Things circulation to patrons due to previous misuse or
damage of PML property and/or violation of the Library of Things Borrowing Policy. The library reserves the
right to refuse the loan of any item at its discretion.
Loan Periods and Fines
A Thing may be borrowed for two week intervals and not renewed for additional time. The overdue fine is
$3/day. Full replacement cost will be charged after 7 days late.