Welcome to Pre-K at Troy South, Main Street, and Claude Brown Elementary Schools!
The information in this section is for families that will have students attending the pre-kindergarten classrooms at one of the above-mentioned elementary school buildings. If you are looking for information about the Early Childhood Education Center, you’ll want to visit the section titled “Early Childhood Education Center Enrollment.”
What’s the difference?
The classrooms at Troy South, Main Street, and Claude Brown serve students who will attend pre-k for one year and then be eligible to enter kindergarten the following school year. These programs are full days, five days a week, following the K-12 schedule.
The Early Childhood Education Center classrooms serve students aged three and four who will attend more than one year before kindergarten. Pre-school and pre-k students with special needs are also served at ECEC. Full and part-time attendance options are available.
Is transportation provided by the school district for pre-k students?
No, students who attend pre-k at our elementary locations are not eligible for transportation services at this time.
What are pre-k school hours?
Pre-k follows the school district’s calendar, and the daily hours are 8:20-3:20 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Wednesday hours are 8:20-2:10.
Is there a cost for pre-k at the elementary school buildings?
Pre-k elementary building programs are tuition-based. However, if your family qualifies for the Free and Reduced Meal program, you may be eligible for free tuition. Free and Reduced Meal applications become available in July each year. There is an enrollment fee of $100. The daily rate is $30 per day. Tuition is due on the 1st of each month for that month’s attendance. A late fee will be assessed if paid after the 3rd of each month.