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LCR3 Employee Fitness Center

LCR3 Employee Fitness Center


The fitness center is a courtesy provided by the Lincoln County R-III School District.

Hours of Operation: 5:00 am to 10:00 pm

Staff members may use the facility at no cost

Staff members may not loan out badges to nonstaff members

  1. General Conduct
    • Respect others’ space, and please avoid crowding others. 
    • Follow the gym’s rules.
    • Look for any posted regulations specific to the facility.
  2. Cleanliness 
    • Wipe done equipment. Use the provided disinfectant wipes or spray to clean the machines, benches, and mats after each use. 
    • Wear appropriate clothing and footwear- clean, comfortable, athletic, and non-marking shoes.
    • Close-toe shoes are essential. 
    • Keep personal belongings off the floor, preferably in the provided lockers.
  3. Equipment Use
    • Re-Rack weights.
    • Return dumbbells, plates, and other equipment to the proper places
    • Use equipment properly. If unsure, ask someone for guidance to avoid injury or damage. 
    • Young children may not use the equipment. 
  4. Safety 
    • Use a Spotter when lifting heavy weights. Ask for assistance if needed. 
    • Know your limits and avoid overexerting yourself or attempting unfamiliar exercises without proper guidance.
    • Report broken equipment. If you notice damaged or malfunctioning equipment, please notify the maintenance department by emailing